(9) 浙江省科技计划项目-重点研发计划项目, 《安全高效生物兽药研发—防控猪重要病毒性疫病的安全高效兽药检测新试剂研发》(2022C02031), 2022.01至 2024.12, 1200万元, 参与。
(10)浙江省高校科研计划项目-一般项目, 《基于天然多糖聚合物的自交联双网络水凝胶的构建》(Y202146992), 2021.09至2023.09, 1万元, 参与。
(11)咏翎生物科技(上海)有限公司, 《重组蛋白Hexapro的免疫原性及其安全性评价》(HJ-2021-069), 2021.05 至 2022.05, 100万元, 参与。
(12)国家自然科学基金面上项目,《N-2-羟丙基三甲基氯化铵壳聚糖-N, O-羧甲基壳聚糖为佐剂制备H9N2禽流感病毒基因纳米疫苗经黏膜递送的效果及机制》(31771000),2018.01-2021.12,72万元,参与。
(15)国家自然科学基金面上项目,31570929,《N-2-羟丙基二甲基乙基氯化铵壳聚糖/N, O-羧甲基壳聚糖纳米粒新城疫疫苗的制备及免疫作用机制研究》,(2017YFD0500603),2016.01-2019.12,72万元,参与。
(17)黑龙江省高校长江学者后备支持计划,《以N-2-羟丙基三甲基氯化铵壳聚糖/N,O-羧甲基壳聚糖为载体的新城疫DNA疫苗纳米粒制备及黏膜免疫机制探讨》(2014CJHB005), 2014.6-2017.6,60万元,参与。
(25)国家自然科学基金面上项目,《PANI导电复合膜产热规律及流变、扩散连接机理研究》(50975054),2009.1-2011.12,已结题, 38万元,参与。
(26)黑龙江省科技厅省级重点攻关项目,《高性能纳米复合聚丙烯腈原丝制备》(GB08A401-2), 2008.1-2010.12,已结题, 20万元,参与。
(27)黑龙江省科技厅省级一般公关项目 ,《用静电纺丝法在超级电容器集流体上直接制备含氮纳米碳纤维电极》(GC10A108),2010.12-2012.12,10万元,参与。
(30)黑龙江省自然科学基金项目,《梯次化聚氨酯/乙烯基酯树脂互穿聚合物网络阻尼材料》(E2004-23), 2005.1 -2007.8,已结题,5万元,参与。
(32)黑龙江省国际科技合作项目,《碳纳米线列阵膜的制备及场发射平面显示器的研制》(WCO3115), 2003.8 -2007.8,已结题,20万元,参与。
(33)黑龙江省自然科学基金,《沥青基碳纤维增强碳复合材料及其界面增效的研究》(E0215), 2003.1 -2005.12,已结题,5万元,参与。
(1)Zheng Jin, Gaowei Hu, Kai Zhao*. Mannose-anchored quaternized chitosan/thiolated carboxymethyl chitosan composite NPs as mucoadhesive carrier for drug delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2022, 171: 267-280.
(2)Kai Zhao*, Beini Sun, Ci Shi, Yanwei Sun, Zheng Jin, Gaowei Hu. Intranasal immunization with O-2′-Hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan nanoparticles loaded with Newcastle disease virus DNA vaccine enhances mucosal immune response in chickens. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2021, 19: 240.
(3)Zheng Jin #, Wei Li #, Hongwei Cao #, Xu Zhang #, Gang Chen, Hao Wu, Chen Guo, Yang Zhang, Hong Kang, Yunfeng Wang*, Kai Zhao*. Antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of N-2-HACC and characterization of nanoparticles with N-2-HACC and CMC as a vaccine carrier. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013, 221: 331-341.
(4)Zheng Jin #, Dan Li #, Chuxiao Dai, Guogang Cheng, Xiaohua Wang, Kai Zhao*. Response of live Newcastle disease virus encapsulated in N-2-Hydroxypropyl dimethylethyl ammonium chloride chitosan nanoparticles. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017, 171: 267-280.
(5)Chunxiao Dai#, Hong Kang#, Wanqiu Yang, Jinyan Sun, Chunlong Liu, Guogang Cheng, Guangyu Rong, Xiaohua Wang, Xin Wang, Zheng Jin*, Kai Zhao*. O-2′-Hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride chitosan nanoparticles for the delivery of live Newcastle disease vaccine. Carbohydrate Polymers,2015, 130: 280-289.
(6)Kai Zhao #, *, Jinyu Han#, Yang Zhang, Lin Wei, Shuang Yu, Xiaohua Wang, Zheng Jin*, Yunfeng Wang*. Enhancing mucosal immune response of Newcastle disease virus DNA vaccine using N-2-Hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan and N, O-carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles as delivery carrier, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2018, 15: 226-237.
(7)Jin Zheng, Shuang Gao, Xianlan Cui, Dejun Sun*,Kai Zhao*. Adjuvants and delivery systems based on polymeric nanoparticles for mucosal vaccines. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2019, 572:118731.
(8) Qi Li, Wenqian Wang, Gaowei Hu, Xianlan Cui, Dejun Sun, Zheng Jin*, Kai Zhao*. Evaluation of chitosan derivatives modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles as delivery carrier. Molecules. 2021, 26, 2490.
(9)Kai Zhao, Yuan Gao, Gaowei Hu, Lei Wang, Shangjin Cui , Zheng Jin*.N-2-Hydroxypropyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride Chitosan as Adjuvant Enhances the Immunogenicity of a VP2 Subunit Vaccine against Porcine Parvovirus Infection in Sows. Vaccines. 2021, 9,1027.
(10)Kai Zhao *, Guangyu Rong, Qiaoyang Teng, Xuesong Li, Hailing Lan, Lu Yu, Shuang Yu, Zheng Jin, Guangping Chen, Zejun Li. Dendrigraft poly-L-lysines delivery of DNA vaccine effectively enhances the immunogenic responses against H9N2 avian influenza virus infection in chickens. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine. 2020, 27: 102209.
(11)Kai Zhao*, Guogang Cheng, Baozhen Zhang, Dan Li, Jinyu Han, Jie Chen, Baobei Wang, Mengxia Li, Tianxia Xiao, Aiwen Le, Beini Sun, Zheng Jin, Jian Zhang, Xiujun Fan. Targeting delivery of partial VAR2CSA peptide guided N-2-Hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan nanoparticles for multiple cancer types. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications. 2020, 106: 110171.
(12)Xingye Yan, Mo Zhou, Shuang Yu, Zheng Jin, Kai Zhao *. An overview of biodegradable nanomaterials and applications in vaccines. Vaccine. 2020, 38(5): 1096-1104.
(13)Mo Zhou, Wanying Qu, Yanwei Sun, Lin liang, Zheng Jin, Shangjin Cui, Kai Zhao*. Water-soluble N-2-Hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan enhanced the immunogenicity of inactivated porcine parvovirus vaccine vaccination on sows against porcine parvovirus infection. Immunology Letters. 2020, 223: 26-32.
(14)Wenqian Wang, Qiuyu Meng, Qi Li, Jinbao Liu, Mo Zhou, Zheng Jin*, Kai Zhao *. Chitosan derivatives and their application in biomedicine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21: 487.
(15)Jinbao Liu, Shuang Yu, Wanying Qu, Zheng Jin*, Kai Zhao*.Self-Assembly of Soluble Chitosan Derivatives Nanoparticles for Vaccine: Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation. Polymers 2021, 13,4097.
(16)Han Jinyu, Zhao Dandan, Li Da, Wang Xiaohua, Jin Zheng*, Zhao Kai*. Polymer-Based Nanomaterials and Applications for Vaccines and Drugs, Polymers, 2018, 10: 267-280.
(17)Guogang Cheng, Guangyu Rong, Xiaohua Wang, Hong Kang, Zheng Jin*, Kai Zhao*. Effectof degrees of substitution on physicochemical properties of 2-Hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride chitosan. Science of Advanced Materials. 2016, 8(7): 1433-1489.
(18)Lien Zhu, Haoming Wang , Meihua Liu , Zheng Jin*, and Kai Zhao*, Effect of Core-Shell Morphology on the Mechanical Properties and Crystallization Behavior of HDPE/HDPE-g-MA/PA6 Ternary Blends, Polymers, 2018, 10: 1-18.
(19)Jian Zhang, Lei Guo, Qiuyu Meng, Wenqian Wang, Zhaohui Li, Mengmeng Chang, Meihua Liu, Zheng Jin*,Kai Zhao*. Polyurethane foam derived nitrogen-enriched porous carbon/reduced graphene oxide composite with sandwich-like nanoarchitectures for supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2018, 29:9942-9953.
(20)Jian Zhang , Lei Guo , Qiuyu Meng , Wenqian Wang , Meihua Liu , Zheng Jin* , Kai Zhao*. Polyurethane and polyaniline foam-derived nickel oxide-incorporated porous carbon composite for high-performance supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53(18): 13156-13172.
(21)Jian Zhang , Linjie Su , Lei Ma , Dongyu Zhao , Chuanli Qin , Zheng Jin* , Kai Zhao*. Preparation of inflorescence-like ACNF/PANI/NiO composite with three-dimension nanostructure for high performance supercapacitors. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 790: 40-49.
(22)Lei Ma, Linjie Su, Jian Zhang, Dongyu Zhao,Chuanli Qin, Zheng Jin*,Kai Zhao*, A controllable morphology GO/PANI/metal hydroxide composite for supercapacitor,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 777: 75-84.
(23)Baolong Wang, Di Wu, Lien Zhu, Zheng Jin*, Zhao Kai. High-Density Polyethylene-Based Ternary Blends Toughened by PA6/PBT Core–Shell Particles, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 2017, 56 (17) : 1908-1915.
(24)Lien Zhu, Haoming Wang, Di Wu, Jing Zhao, Zheng Jin*, Kai Zhao*. Reinforcing high-density polyethylene by polyacrylonitrile fibers, Pigment & Resin Technology, 2018, 47 (1) :86-94.
(25)Baolong Wang, Haiqing Ma, Di Wu, Lien Zhu, Zheng Jin*. Toughening polypropylene by tiny amounts of fillers, Pigment & Resin Technology, 2017, 46 (4) : 309-317.
(26)Linjie Sun, Bohong Li, Dongyu Zhao, Chuanli Qin, Zheng Jin*. Modified polyacrylonitrile-based activated carbon fibers applied in supercapacitor, Pigment & Resin Technology, 2016, 45 (3) : 164-171.
(27)Zheng Jin, YuXi Liu, XiaoMin Ren, Chuanli Qin, Xuduo Bai, YuHua Wang. Electrochemical properties of carbon aerogels derived from resorcinol-formaldehyde-aniline for supercapacitors. Pigment & Resin Technology. 2011,40:175-180.
(28)Zheng Jin, XiaoMin Ren, YuXi Liu, Chuanli Qin, Xuduo Bai,BoHong Li, YunHua Wang. Hybrid supercapacitors based on polyaniline and activated carbon composite electrode materials. Pigment & Resin Technology. 2011,40:235-240.
(29)Zheng Jin ∗, Zhiqian Zhang, Linghui Meng. Effects of ozone method treating carbon fibers on mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2006 ,(97) 167-172.
(30)Kai Zhao*, Guangyu Rong, Chen Guo, Xiaomei Luo, Hong Kang, Yanwei Sun, Chunxiao Dai, Xiaohua Wang, Xin Wang, Zheng Jin, Shangjin Cui, Qingshen Sun. Synthesis, characterization and immune efficacy of LDH@SiO2 nanoparticles with shell-core structure as a delivery carrier for Newcastle disease virus DNA vaccine. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2015,10:2895-2911.
(31)Kai Zhao*, Yang Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Ci Shi, Xin Wang, Xiaohua Wang, Zheng Jin, Shangjin Cui. Chitosan-coated PLGA nanoparticles as an efficient delivery system for Newcastle disease virus DNA vaccine. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2014,9: 4609-4619.
(32)Kai Zhao*, Yang Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Wei Li, Ci Shi, Chen Guo, Chunxiao Dai, Qian Chen, Zheng Jin, Yan Zhao, Hongyu Cui, Yunfeng Wang. Preparation and efficacy of Newcastle disease virus DNA vaccine encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2014,9: 389-402.
(33)Kai Zhao*, Wei Li, Yang Zhang, Haixia Wei, Xiaohua Wang, Kang Hong, Zheng Jin, Wenfei Wang. Preparation, characterization and hypoglycaemic effects of orally delivered insulin-loaded PLGA nanoparticles in diabetic rats. Science of Advanced Materials. 2015,7(6):1114-1124.
(34)Kai Zhao*, Wei Li, Tingting Huang, Xiaomei Luo, Gang Chen, Yang Zhang, Chen Guo, Chunxiao Dai, Zheng Jin, Yan Zhao, Hongyu Cui, Yunfeng Wang. Preparation and efficacy of Newcastle disease virus DNA vaccine encapsulated in PLGA nanoparticles. Plos One. 2013,8(12):e82648.
(35)Kai Zhao*, Guangyu Rong, Yan Hao, Lu Yu, Hong Kang, Xin Wang, Xiaohua Wang, Zheng Jin, Zhiyu Ren*, Zejun Li*. IgA response and protection following nasal vaccination of chickens with Newcastledisease virus DNA vaccine nanoencapsulated with Ag@SiO2 hollow nanoparticles. Scientific Reports, 2016,5, 6: 0-25720.
(36)Kai Zhao*,Yanwei Sun,Gang Chen,Guangyu Rong,Hong Kang,Zheng Jin,Xiaohua Wang*. Biological evaluation of N-2-hydroxypropyl trimehyl ammonium chloride chitosan as a carrier for the delivery of live Newcastledisease vaccine. Carbohydrate Polymers,2016,149:28-39 .
(37)Kai Zhao*, Shanshan Li, Wei Li , Lu Yu, Xutong Duan, Jinyu Han, Xiaohua Wang, Zheng Jin. Quaternized chitosan nanoparticles loaded with the combined attenuated live vaccine against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis elicit immune response in chicken after intranasal administration. Drug Delivery, 2017.10.13, 24(1): 1574-1586 .
(38)Dan Li,Dongwei Fu,Hong Kang,Guangyu Rong,Zheng Jin,Xiaohua Wang,Kai Zhao*. Advances and potential applications of chitosan nanoparticles as a delivery carrier for the mucosal immunity of vaccine. Current Drug Delivery,2017,14(1):27-35 .
(39)Qin Chuanli, Jin Zheng, Jiang Haijian, Qiang Tan, Bai Xuduo. The influence of modified VER on PU/VER IPN. Pigment & Resin Technology, 2008, 37(6),355-361.
(40)Ji Yuxing, Qin Chuanli, Niu Haijun, Sun Liguo, Jin Zheng, Bai Xuduo. Electrochemical and electrochromic behaviors of polyaniline-graphene oxide composites on the glass substrate/Ag nano-film electrodes prepared by vertical target pulsed laser deposition. Dyes and Pigments, 2015.6, 117: 72-82 .
(41)Du Jiahuan*, Li Qiang, Qin Chuanli, Zhang Xugang, Jin Zheng, Bai Xuduo. Preparation and electrochemical performance of nitrogen-enriched carbon based on melamine formaldehyde resin/graphene oxide composites. Pigment & Resin Technology, 2015, 44(4): 205-213.
(42)Li, Qiang, Du, Jiahuan, Zhang, Xugang, Qin, Chuanli*, Jin, Zheng, Bai, Xuduo. The influence of urea on composition, microstructure and electrochemical properties of nitrogen-enriched carbon based on polyvinylpyrrolidone/melamine formaldehyde resin. Pigment & Resin Technology, 2015, 44(5): 257-265.
(43)Sun, Li-Guo, Jin, Zheng, Zhao, Dong-Mei*, Wang, Shu-Hong, Wang, Cheng. Hexagonal trumpet-like flowers growth induced by a colloidal crystal composite film. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2014.4, 25(4): 529-531 .
(44)Zheng, Bing, Jin, Zheng, Qin, Chuanli, Rigout, Muriel L. A., Lu, Wei, Chen, Yajie, Fan, Naiying, Zhu, Jiaying, Bai, Xuduo*, Lian, Yongfu. Preparation and Photoluminescence of Titanium Oxide Nanofilms by Laser-Induced Forward Transfer. Current Nanoscience, 2012.2, 8(1): 150-155.
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(46)Qin Chuan-li*, Lu Xing, Yin Ge-ping, Bai Xu-duo, Jin Zheng. Activated nitrogen-enriched carbon/carbon aerogel nanocomposites for supercapacitor applications. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2009.12, 19.
(47)Qin, Chuanli*, Bai, Xuduo, Yin, Geping, Liu, Yuxi, Jin, Zheng, Niu, Haijun. Electrochemical supercapacitors based on carbon aerogels/Ni(OH)(2) composites and activated carbon. Pigment & Resin Technology, 2009, 38(4): 230-235.
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(52)Zheng Jin, Kai Zhao*, Gang Chen, Xu Zhang. Preparation and characterization of 2-hydroxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan. Advanced Materials Research,2011,183-185:2216-2220.
(53)Jin, Zheng, Li, Bo Hong, Qin, Chuan Li, Xiao Min Ren. Research on electrochemical properties of alpha-Ni(OH)2 prepared by electrodeposition method in the ethanol and water system. Advanced Materials Research 2011(183-185) 2216-2219.
(54)Zheng Jin, Dong Yu Zhao, Bo Hong Li, Xiao Min Ren, Shan Tao Yan, Chuan Li Qin, Rui Qi Li. Hybrid Supercapacitors Based on Polyaniline and Carbon Aerogels Composite Electrode Materials. Advanced Materials Research 2012(391-392) 18-21.
(55)Zheng Jin, Yuan Tian, Lin Jie Su, Chuan Li Qin, Dong Yu Zhao, Rui Qi Li, Jing Zhao. Hybrid Supercapacitors Based on Polyaniline/Activated Carbon Fiber. Advanced Materials Research 2013(800)505-508.
(56)Hai Qing Ma, Zheng Jin*, Wen Long Li, Wen Long Li, Di Wu, Jing Zhao. Mechanical Properties of Fumed Silica/PP Composites. Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014(665) 319-322.
(57)Zhao Jing, Wu Di, Han Jin Yu, Jin Zheng*. Mechanical Properties of Fumed Silica/HDPE Composites. Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014(633-634) 427-430.
(58)Zhu Lien, Wu Di, Wang Baolong, Zhao Jing, Liu Meihua, Jin Zheng*, Zhao Kai. Reinforcing high-density polyethylene by phenolic spheres. 2018 International Conference on Novel Functional Materials, ICNFM 2018, September 16, 18, 2018.
(59)Dan Li,Chunxiao Dai,Guogang Cheng,Xiaohua Wang,Zheng Jin,Kai Zhao*. Optimization of NDV Encapsulated in N-2-HFCC/CMC Nanoparticles Preparation Conditions. Advanced Materials Research,2016,1142:216-219.
(60)Tong Shuhui, Qin Chuanli, Jin Zheng, Wang Xuesong, Bai Xuduo. Activated nitrogen-enriched carbon/reduced expanded graphite composites for supercapacitors. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,211-212,440-444.
(61)《聚合物成型加工原理》黑龙江大学出版社 2013年主编
(62)《先进聚合物基复合材料及应用》哈尔滨地图出版社 2005年副主编