2017年6月至2019年6月 山东滨州沃华生物有限公司 动物疫苗研发
2023年8月至今 台州学院生命科学学院 讲师
(1)Ying Xue, Bo Zhang, Nan Wang, et al. Oral vaccination of mice with Trichinella spiralis putative serine protease and murine interleukin-4 DNA delivered by invasive Lactiplantibacillus plantarum elicits protective immunity. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 3;13:859243.
(2)Ying Xue, Kai-Dian Yang, Yu Quan, et al. Oral vaccination with invasive Lactobacillus plantarum delivered nucleic acid vaccine co-expressing SS1 and murine interleukin-4 elicits protective immunity against Trichinella spiralis in BALB/c mice. International Immunopharmacology, 2021,101:108184.
(3)Ying Xue, Bo Zhang, Haibin Huang, et al. Immunoprotective effects of invasive Lactobacillus plantarum delivered nucleic acid vaccine coexpressing Trichinella spiralis CPF1 and murine interleukin-4. Veterinary Parasitology, 2021, 298:109556.
(4)Ying Xue, Yun-Fei Xu, Bo Zhang, et al. Trichinella spiralis infection ameliorates the severity of Citrobacter rodentium-induced experimental colitis in mice. Experimental Parasitology, 2022, 238:108264.
(5)Kai-Dai Yang#, Ying Xue#, Hui Niu, et al. African swine fever virus MGF360‑11L negatively regulates cGAS‑STING‑mediated inhibition of type I interferon production. Veterinary Research, 2022, 24;53(1):7.
(6) Kai-Dai Yang#, Ying Xue#, Tian-Ming Niu, et al. African swine fever virus MGF505-7R protein interacted with IRF7and TBK1 to inhibit type I interferon production. Virus Research, 2022,18;322:198931.
(7)薛营,杨开典,林伟东. 肉鸡鼻气管炎鸟杆菌分离与鉴定. 中国兽医科学,2016,1135-1140。
2019 年在动物微生态与黏膜免疫长江学者创新团队学术年会中荣获一等奖;
2020 年在动物微生态与黏膜免疫长江学者创新团队学术年会中荣获一等奖;
2021 年荣获国家奖学金和一等学业奖学金;
2021 年参加吉林省科技论文演技比赛荣获三等奖;
2021 年参加吉林农业大学学术年会决赛荣获三等奖;
2021 年参加第八届动物科学技术学院、动物医学院研究生学术年会荣获一等奖。