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2007.07-2009.09台州学院生命科学学院 助教

2009.07-2013.10台州学院生命科学学院 讲师

2013.11-2018.12台州学院生命科学学院 副教授

2018.12至今 台州学院生命科学学院 教授




1. 基于形态特征与分子数据的中国摇蚊族分类修订及系统发育研究(32070481),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,2021.01-2024.12,58万元

2. 东亚斑摇蚊属群的分类修订与生物地理学研究(31301908),国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,2014.01-2016.12,22万元

3. 基于形态与分子数据的浙江省摇蚊科幼虫分类学研究(LY22C040003),浙江省自然科学基金项目,2022.01-2024.12,主持,10万元

4. 中国摇蚊属群的分类修订及生物地理学研究(LY17C040001),浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,主持,2017.01-2019.12,10万元

5. 浙江省摇蚊科昆虫生物多样性及生物地理学研究(Y3100486),浙江省自然科学基金一般项目,主持,2010.06-2013.06,5万元

6. 生态型健康肉食土鸡标准化养殖示范与推广,国家星火计划,第二主持,2011.04-2013.04

7. 台州城市河道底栖动物群落结构特征及其水质评价应用(EEC2015-06),浙江省植物进化生态学与保护重点实验室开放性课题,主持,2015.05-2017.05,3万元


1. 仙居国家公园水质、森林生物指标监测及评价,仙居国家公园管理委员会,主持,2018.05-2020.12,50万元

2. 仙居县水生生物调查与评估,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所,主持,2020.12-2021.10,35万元

3. 生态环境部—生物多样性保护专项子课题:生物多样性推动绿色发展经验总结,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所,2019.05-2019.12,主持,35万元

4. 仙居国家公园水生生物资源调查及水质评价研究,仙居国家公园管理委员会,第二主持,2015.06-2017.12,49.5万元

5. 临海市2021年度松材线虫病枯死树清理现场监管项目,临海市自然资源和规划局,主持,2021.01-2021.05,19.7万元

6. 三门县蛇蟠岛生物多样性本底调查评估,台州市污染防治工程技术中心,主持,2022.08-2023.08,18.6万元

7. 温岭市2021年度松材线虫病枯死树清理现场监管项目,温岭市自然资源和规划局,主持,2021.01-2021.05,14.5万元

8. 生态环境部—湿地生态监管示范项目子课题:重要湿地水生生物评估指标体系研究,生态环境部南京环境科学研究所,主持,2020.06-2020.10,7.5万元

9. 太湖流域及其周边水域底栖动物的采集和鉴定,南京大学,主持,2019.12-2020.06,5万元

10. 仙居县永安溪以摇蚊幼虫为代表的底栖动物群落结构特征及其水质评价应用,仙居县环境保护局,主持,2015.06-2016.12,5万元

11. 适于台州地区工厂化养殖的摇蚊幼虫的筛选及鉴定,玉环县绿野农业科技有限公司,主持,2013.01-2013.06,5万元

12. 一种水产饲料配方的研制及应用评价,三门县奋发水产养殖专业合作社,主持,2019.07-2019.12,10万元

13. 摇蚊粉配合饲料成分分析及应用效果检测,三门县奋发水产养殖专业合作社,主持,2020.03-2020.06,10万元

14. 城市生活污泥中重金属的生物处理技术研究,浙江新愿景农业科技有限公司,主持,2011.09-2012.12,3万元

15. 台州主要出口海产品异尖线虫感染的初步调查及HACCP控制体系研究,台州市出入境检验检疫局,主持,2013.06-2014.03,1.5万元

16. 天台县600万羽土鸡原种场新建项目的可行性报告(项目咨询与规划),浙江和盈畜牧科技有限公司,主持,2011.06-2011.12,1万元


1. “理论+实践+创新”混合式教学模式在《动物生物学》教学中的探索与实践(jg20190455),浙江省高等教育“十三五”教学改革研究项目,主持,2020.01-2021.12,2万元

2. 《动物生物学》,浙江省级一流本科课程、校级示范课程,主持,2020.01

3. 齐鑫教学名师工作室,台州市教育局,领衔人,2020.01-2022.12,60万元

4. 动物生物学校级教学团队建设,台州学院,负责人,2020.01-2021.12,2万元

5. 人体解剖生理学教学中生命教育的实践研究(GG11026),台州市教育科学规划课题,台州市教育局,主持,2011.01-2011.12

6. 动物生理学实验教学改革与学生科技创新能力培养(GG14025).台州市教育科学规划课题.台州市教育局.主持.2014.01-2014.12

7. 人体及动物生理学教学模式的研究与实践,台州学院课程教学模式改革项目,主持,2014.09-2015.09,1万元


QI Xin, LIN Xiao-Long*, Ekrem Torbjørn, Beutel Rolf Georg, Song Chao, Orlov Igor, Chen Chun-Tang, Wang Xin-Hua. A new surface gliding species of Chironomidae: An independent invasion of marine environments and its evolutionary implications. Zoologica Scripta, 2019, 48(1): 81–92. (SCI, Top期刊)

QI Xin, YAO Yuan, LIU Wen-Bin, YAN Chun-Cai, WANG Xin-Hua, LIN Xiao-Long. Review of the Rheotanytarsus muscicola Species Group from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Diversity, 2022, 14: 383. (SCI)

SONG Chao, ZHU Bin-Qing, Moubayed-Breil Joel , LEI Teng, QI Xin*. Taxonomic study on the genus Stenochironomus Kieffer from the Baishanzu Nature Reserve, China (Diptera, Chironomidae). ZooKeys, 2022, 1104: 93-113.

SONG Chao, MARTIN Jon, WANG Song, QI Xin*. Redescription and new record of Chironomus novosibiricus (Diptera, Chironomidae) from northern China. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 2022, 59: 111–115. (SCI)

Song Chao, Zhu Bin-Qing, Liu Wei, Qi Xin*. On the genus Polypedilum, subgenus Collartomyia, with description of P. (Col.) baishanzuensis sp. nov. from Baishanzu Nature Reserve, China (Diptera, Chironomidae). ZooKeys, 2021, 1065: 1-12.

QI Xin, SONG Chao, GE Kai-Xuan, WANG Xin-Hua. Polypedilum (Cerobregma) paracyclus sp. n., a new species from Oriental China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa, 2020, 4881(1): 189-195. (SCI)

SONG Chao, WANG Xin-Hua, BU Wen-Jun, QI Xin*. Morphology lies: a case-in-point with a new non-biting midge species from Oriental China (Diptera, Chironomidae). ZooKeys, 2020, 909: 67–77. (SCI)

SONG Chao, ZHENG Jia-Cheng, WANG Xin-Hua, QI Xin*. A new species of Limnophyes Eaton (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Xizang, China. Zootaxa, 2020, 4722 (3): 295–300. (SCI)

SONG Chao, Andersen Trond, YAN Chun-Cai, QI Xin*, WANG Xin-Hua. A new species of Cryptotendipes Beck & Beck, 1969 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Hainan Island, Oriental China. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 2020, 96 (4): 253–257. (SCI)

QI Xin, WANG Xin-Hua, ANDERSEN Trond, LIN Xiao-Long*. A new species of Manoa Fittkau (Diptera: Chironomidae), with DNA barcodes from Xianju National Park, Oriental China. Zootaxa, 2017, 4231(3): 398–408. (SCI)

QI Xin, TANG Hong-Qu*, WANG Xin-Hua. Notes on Nilothauma Kieffer from Oriental China, with descriptions of three new species (Diptera, Chironomidae). ZooKeys, 2016, 574: 143–159. (SCI)

QI Xin, LIN Xiao-Long, LIU Yue-Dan, WANG Xin-Hua*. Two new species of Stenochironomus Kieffer (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Zhejiang, China. ZooKeys, 2015, 479: 109–119. (SCI)

QI Xin, LI Ying-Feng, WANG Xin-Hua, SHAO Qing-Jun*. A new species of Microtendipes (Diptera: Chironomidae) with a median volsella from Xishan Island, China. Florida Entomologist, 2014, 97(3): 871–876. (SCI)

QI Xin, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua, SHAO Qing-Jun*. A new species of Nilothauma Kieffer from China, with a key to known species of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa, 2014, 3869 (5): 573–578. (SCI)

QI Xin, LIN Xiao-Long, Bai Yi, WANG Xin-Hua*. Polypedilum (Tripodura) harteni Andersen & Mendes (Diptera: Chironomidae) newly recorded from China. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 2013, 89 (2): 73–78. (SCI)

QI Xin, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua*. Review of Dicrotendipes Kieffer from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zookeys, 2012, 183: 23–36. (SCI)

QI Xin, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua*. A new species of the genus Microtendipes Kieffer, 1915 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Oriental China. Zookeys, 2012, 212: 81–89. (SCI)

QI Xin, LIU Yue-Dan, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua*. Two new species of the genus Eukiefferiella Thienemann, 1926 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2012, 44 (4): 1007–1011. (SCI)

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, WANG Xin-Hua*. A review of Paratendipes Kieffer from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Aquatic Insects, 2009, 31 (1): 63–70. (SCI)

QI Xin, WANG Xin-Hua*. A review of Microtendipes Kieffer from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa, 2006, 1108: 37–51. (SCI)

QI Xin, ZHANG Rui-Lei, ZHU Ling-Fei, WANG Xin-Hua*. A new species in the genus Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Xianju National Park, Zhejiang. Entomotaxonomia, 2016, 38 (2): 131–134.

QI Xin, PENG Jun-Wei, ZHANG Rui-Lei, WANG Xin-Hua*. Dicrotendipes weiqiangensis sp. nov. (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Zhejiang, China. Entomotaxonomia, 2016, 38 (3): 208–212.

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua*. A new species of Microtendipes Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Gutian Mountain, Zhejiang. Entomotaxonomia, 2014, 36 (4): 289–292.

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, ZHANG Rui-Lei, WANG Xin-Hua*. Polypedilum (Tripodura) cypellum sp. nov. (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Xishan Island, Zhejiang Province. Entomotaxonomia, 2014, 36 (2): 119–122.

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua*. First report of the genus Endotribelos Grodhaus, 1987 (Diptera, Chironomidae) from China, with description of a new species. Entomotaxonomia, 2013, 35 (4): 284–289.

QI Xin, LIU Yue-Dan, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua*. Description of a new species and a newly recorded species of the genus Eukiefferiella Thienemann, 1926 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia, 2012, 34 (2): 307–312.

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, LIN Xiao-Long, WANG Xin-Hua*. The genus Stenochironomus Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) with three newly recorded species from China. Entomotaxonomia, 2011, 33 (3): 220–330.

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, WANG Xin-Hua*. Two new species and new record of the genus Stenochironomus Kieffer in China (Diptera, Chironomidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica, 2008, 33 (3): 526–531.

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, WANG Xin-Hua*. A new species and two new record of the genus Stictochironomus Kieffer in China (Diptera, Chironomidae). Entomotaxonomia, 2008, 30 (4): 208–286.

QI Xin, SHI Shi-Di, WANG Xin-Hua*. Endochironomus Kieffer from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). In: Wang XH & Liu W (eds.) Contemporary Chironomid Studies. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Chironomidae. Nankai University Press, Tianjin. 2011. pp219–223.

ZHANG Zhe-Yi, ZHANG Rui-Lei, LIN Xiao-Long, QI Xin*. Notes on the subgenus Polypedilum (Uresipedilum) Oyewo & Sæther (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Zhejiang Province, China. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2015, 47 (3): 769-773. (SCI)

Chen Meng, ZHANG Zhe-Yi, LIN Xiao-Long, QI Xin*. First record of Dicrotendipes inouei Hashimoto, 1984 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 2015, 91 (3): 274–277. (SCI)

ZHANG Rui-Lei, GU Jing-Jing, QI Xin*, WANG Xin-Hua. A new species of the genus Stenochironomus Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Xianju National Park, Zhejiang Province, China. Entomotaxonomia, 2016, 38 (4): 281–284.

ZHANG Wei, QI Xin, KOCIOLEK J. Patrick, WANG Li-Qing, ZHANG Rui-Lei. Oricymba xianjuensis sp. nov., a new freshwater diatom (Bacillariophyceae) from Xianju National Park (Zhejiang Province, China). Phytotaxa, 2016, 272 (2): 134–140.(SCI)

ZHANG Rui-Lei, SONG Chao, QI Xin, WANG Xin-Hua. Taxonomic review on the subgenus Tripodura Townes (Diptera: Chironomidae: Polypedilum) from China with eleven new species and a supplementary world checklist. Zootaxa, 2016, 4136 (1): 1-53. (SCI

周东, 张玮, 朱利明, 齐鑫, 王丽卿, 张瑞雷*. 仙居国家公园溪流摇蚊幼虫群落结构及其对水质的指示作用. 应用生态学报, 2018, 29(11): 3857–3866.


1. 白义, 施时迪, 王江, 齐鑫, 王海瑞. 土壤动物分离收集装置, 2018.11, 已授权.


2. “浙江省摇蚊科昆虫生物多样性及生物地理学研究”(2014年度台州学院优秀科研成果奖三等奖)

3. “浙江省摇蚊科昆虫分类学研究”(2015年获台州市自然科学学术奖三等奖)





