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1. Wang Jiang, Yu Feihai. Effects of functional diversity and functional dominance on complementary light use depend on evenness. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2018, 29: 726-736.
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3. Jiang Wang ,Yuan Ge ,Tong Chen,Yi Bai,Baoying Qian,Chongbang Zhang,Facili tation Drives the Positive Effec ts of Plan t Richness on Trace Metal Removal in a Biodiversity Experiment,Plos One,2014,9(4):e93733-e393741。
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5. Jiang Wang ,Chongbang Zhang,Tong Chen,Weihua Li ,From selection to complementarity: the shift along the abiotic stress gradient in a controlled biodiversity experiment,Oecologia,2013,171:227-235。
6. Jiang Wang ,Chongbang Zhang,Shisheng Ke,Baoying Qian,Different spontaneous plant communities in Sanmen Pb/Zn mine tailing and their effects on mine tailing physico-chemicalproperties,Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011, 62: 779-786。
7. Jiang Wang ,Yongfan Wang,Shixiao Yu ,Relationships between diversity and compositional stability in experimental grassland communities exposed to drought stress,Community Ecology,2010,11(1):105-112。
8. Jiang Wang ,Weihua Li,Chongbang Zhang,Shisheng Ke,Physiological responses and detoxific mechanisms to Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd in young seedlings of Paulownia fortunei,Journal of Environmental Sciences,2010,22(12):1916-1922。
9. Jiang Wang ,Chongbang Zhang,Zexin Jin,The distribution and phytoavailability of heavy metal fractions in rhizosphere soils of Paulowniu fortunei (seem) Hems near a Pb/Zn smelter in Guangdong, PR China,Geoderma,2009,148:299-306。