2015.8-2016.8,瑞士联邦森林、雪与景观研究所(WSL) 合作研究1年
2017.8-至今 台州学院,讲师
1. 入侵生态学
2. 克隆生态学
2. 台州市科技计划项目,23nya19 ,入侵植物生物炭联合微生物对重金属污染土壤的修复,主持,2024-01至2025-12,8万元。
1. 浙江省自然科学基金委员会,探索项目Q,LQ20C160008,干旱时长对马尾松和杉木幼苗生存生长影响的碳氮耦合机制,主持,2020-01至2022-12,9万元;
1. Xue Wang#; WeiLong Zheng#; HaoMing Yuan; Mark van Kleunen ; FeiHai Yu*; MaiHe Li; Biochar produced from diverse invasive species improves remediation of cadmiumcontaminated soils, Biological Invasions, 2024, 26: 2595-2606.
2. Xue Wang#; Wei-Long Zheng#; Xiuzhi Ma; Fei-Hai Yu*; Mai-He Li*; Biochar aggravates the negative effect of drought duration on the growth and physiological dynamics of Pinus massoniana, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 11:1166538.
3. Xue Wang #; Jiang Wang #; Bing Hu; Wei-Long Zheng; Meng Li; Zhi-Xiang Shen; Fei-Hai Yu *; Schmid Bernhard; Li Mai-He; Richness, not evenness, of invasive plant species promotes invasion success into native plant communities via selection effects, Oikos, 2022, 2022: e08966.
4. Xue Wang; Yi-Min Tao; Ni-Na Fang; Wei-Long Zheng; Fei-Hai Yu *; Mai-He Li; Impact of growing season precipitation regime on the performance of masson pine saplings, Forests, 2022, 13: 627.
5. Xue Wang; Fei-Hai Yu *; Yong Jiang; Mai-He Li; Carbon and nutrient physiology in shrubs at the upper limits: a multispecies study, Journal of Plant Ecology, 2021, 14: 301-309.
6. Xue Wang*; Meng Wang; Yimin Tao; Nina Fang; Guojiao Yang; Jiangping Cai; Yong Jiang; Xingguo Han; Fei-Hai Yu; Mai-He Li; Beneficial effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon and nitrogen accumulation in grasses over other species in Inner Mongolian grasslands, Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 26: e01507.
7. Xue Wang, Yong Jiang, Haiyan Ren, Fei-Hai Yu, Mai-He Li. Leaf and soil δ 15N patterns along elevational gradients at both treelines and shrublines in three different climate zones. Forests, 2019, 10, 557; doi:10.3390/f10070557.
8. Mai-He Li#, Yong Jiang#, Ao Wang, Xiaobin Li, Wanze Zhu, Cai-Feng Yan, Zhong Du, Zheng Shi, Jingpin Lei, Leonie Schönbeck, Peng He, Fei-Hai Yu, Xue Wang*(通讯作者), Active summer carbon storage for winter persistence in trees at the cold alpine treeline, Tree Physiology, 2018, 38: 1345-1355.