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Heterologous expression of a halophilic archaeon manganese superoxide dismutase enhances salt tolerance in transgenic rice
发布者:管理员 发布日期:2015-01-07 浏览次数:
作    者:陈珍, 等
刊物名称:Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
出版年卷:2013, 60(3): 359-366

文章摘要:In order to investigate new gene resource for enhancing rice tolerance to salt stress, manganese superoxide dismutase gene from halophilic archaeon (Natrinema altunense sp.) (NaMnSOD) was isolated and introduced into Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare by Agrobacteriummediated transformation. The transfor mants (L1 and L2) showed some NaMnSOD expression and increased total SOD and CAT activity, which contributed to higher efficiency of ROS elimination under salt stress. The levels of superoxide anion radicals and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were significantly decreased. In addition, they exhibited higher levels of photosynthesis, whereas lower relative ion leakage and MDA content compared to wildtype plants. Therefore, transgenic seedlings were phenotypically healthier, and heterologous expression of NaMnSOD could improve rice salt tolerance.
