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Migration of Cu, Zn and Cr through municipal solid waste incineratorbottom ash layer in the simulated landfill
发布者:管理员 发布日期:2018-01-20 浏览次数:

作    者:姚俊
刊物名称:Ecological Engineering

文章摘要:Municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) bottom ash is used as the cover, intermediate cover and linerin the landfill. In this study, simulated landfills were operated for 507 days to investigate the effect ofMSWI bottom ash layer on the migration of Cu, Zn and Cr. All through the study, Cu was greatly releasedfrom the MSWI bottom ash layer. Zn was captured by the MSWI bottom ash layer at the initial stage ofthe landfill. After then, the release of Zn from the MSWI bottom ash layer was observed, corresponding tothe decline of the leachate pH. No trapping or release was found for Cr at the initial stage of the landfill.Then, a slight release of Cr from the MSWI bottom ash layer was observed. Over the study, a totally 0.93%of Cu, 0.12% of Zn, and 0.01% of Cr in the MSWI bottom ash layer were released. The released metalswere not discharged to the surrounding environment. They were immobilized by the sub-MSW layer. Itsuggested that the MSWI bottom ash layer could not increase the metal discharge when it was used asthe cover or intermediate cover in the landfill.
