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Combination of lignin and l-lactide towards grafted copolymers from lignocellulosic butanol residue
发布者:管理员 发布日期:2017-05-26 浏览次数:
作    者:宗恩敏, 等
刊物名称:International journal of biological macromolecules
出版年卷:2016, 86: 80-88

文章摘要:A series of BBL-graft-poly (l-lactide) copolymers were synthesized via ring-opening polymerization (ROP)of l-lactide (l-LA) with a biobutanol lignin (BBL) initiator and a triazabicyclodecene (TBD) catalyst underfree-solvent at 135◦C. By manipulating the mass ratio of BBL/LLA, BBL-g-PLLA copolymers with tunablenumber–average molecular weight (Mn) (2544–7033 g mol−1) were obtained. The chemical structure ofPLLA chains was identifiable by FT-IR,1H NMR and13C NMR spectroscopies, in combination with UV–visspectra to provide support for the existence of the BBL in the copolymer. This provided solid evidence forthe successful synthesis of BBL-g-PLLA copolymer. The thermal properties and surface characterization ofBBL-g-PLLA copolymers were different from those of linear PLLA. Furthermore, the BBL-g-PLLA copolymerfilm showed good absorption capacity in the UV region and high transparency in the visible light region,which was expected to find significant applications in UV-protective coating film.
